Incredible Sports Photography
With the right camera, a badass lens and some serious photography skills you can almost make golf look exciting. Impressive stuff. Apply that to a genuinely exciting sport and the pics are trouser moisteningly good.
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Another girl-filled gallery of incredibly cute, but off-puttingly weird women. Whether it's their bizarre cosplay behaviour, wide-ranging perculiar activity, or just outright WTFness, there's something odd about each and every one of them.
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Most of the time when people draw on street signs its pointless vandalism and the streets look worse for it but here are some of the rare bits of vandalism that are neither pointless nor unwelcome.
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If you had any hatches and this was the view out of your window, it would probably be a good time to batten them down. Not really sure what that means, but I'd have a go anyway. This is true apocalypse style weather!
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You've passed out due to one to many root beers and your friends have taken the liberty of abusing your comatose body. Most of this abuse you wouldn't want to be awake for but fear not, there will lots of photos.
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Defending the Galactic Empire and fighting the Rebel Alliance can take its toll and so when these guys get a day off they like to relax, even if they have to stay in uniform. So that means breakdancing, feeding the pigeons, going fishing, the usual.
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I hadn't heard of this chick until i saw this gallery, but she's definitely worth knowing. She's a bootylicious Colombian model with curves in all the right places and just few enough clothes to keep your attention.
Comments: 135
They might rock your world when they appear on the covers of magazines, or strut down the catwalk, but what about when they warpaint comes off, eh? Would it be like owning a Ferrari that looks like a Ford Focus?
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If you could rewrite state signs with your mind, this is what they might say or perhaps it you'd taken some truth hallucinogen so you saw signs as they should be, or perhaps someone just Photoshopped some signs for a laugh?
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Do you fancy a whole heap of gross, maybe some distended man guts? Yeah, me too. Well get your Me Gusta face on because it's time for 40 of the best. These are the most swollen, hairy abdominal abominations you are ever likely to see. Enjoy.
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Think of it as pr0n for powerpoint. The sort of stuff that makes mathematicians hot under the collar, and in this gallery the medium has been lovingly subverted to the cause of lolz.
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