Incredible Sports Photography
With the right camera, a badass lens and some serious photography skills you can almost make golf look exciting. Impressive stuff. Apply that to a genuinely exciting sport and the pics are trouser moisteningly good.
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A collection of fails so fundamentally obvious that there can only be two explanations; Either the person did it on purpose or they had an episode and went 'full retard'.
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Not all human beings of the XX chromosome have the urge to do the duckface when they be self-shooting in the bathroom/bedroom mirror. Some reckon that a smile and some tight clothing will just bloody well suffice.
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I'm guessing that if you're a busy hard-working journalist with deadlines to meet then sometimes you just don't notice the perverted prose you are inadvertently writing, or then again, maybe you do!?
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It's an important event in any young persons life that they try their hardest to get into college and do their best with their parents hard-earned cash. Not to study, but to have fun. And of course drink LOTS of beer. Lots.
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Taken with a fast enough shutter and a skilled photographer, a picture of someone getting water thrown at them can look as good as these. They might not be the most practical hats in the world but they're pretty damn cool looking!
Comments: 8
Whats better than a beach babe? Well, a tanned hottie who not only looks hawt, but can also ride a surfboard as good as any man - It's enough to make you bury your head in the sand and cry!
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A theme park called Jeju Loveland in South Korea, dedicated to the greatest pastime in the world. It beats another saccharine year at Disney World, surely?
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Maybe it's time to take this as a wake up call, or maybe it's just time to bury your head in more gaming and pretend it's all just fine. Just fine.
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America's favourite couch-potato pastime comes bundled in with the other best distractions known to man. How and why football is related to women taking the gaze of every red blooded man away from the game is beyond me.
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It's a wonder of nature (or fluke) when it comes to taking a photograph of a fast moving event, one micro-second too early or too late and you will have missed the crucial moment where it all comes together. Life's awesome.
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