Incredible Sports Photography
With the right camera, a badass lens and some serious photography skills you can almost make golf look exciting. Impressive stuff. Apply that to a genuinely exciting sport and the pics are trouser moisteningly good.
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Do you ever have one of those moments in life when things don't go quite to plan and out of nowhere a fairly safe and ordinary situation turns bad very quickly, leaving you in a world if FAIL. These are those moments.
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Two of the best things in life. Beautiful ladyfolk and delicious pig meat. Obviously a combination of the two would reach dangerous levels of awesome. Weather it's a lady wearing bacon sushi or a rasher tattoo, it's all golden.
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Dead animals stuffed with sand is kind of a grim concept. I don't know who came up with it but I'll wager they wet the bed well into their twenties. Strangely enough taxidermy actually gets better, the worse it gets. Observe;
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He's the greatest artist never known. Kind of like Clark Kent, walking the planet and saving mankind from themselves by the power of street-art. And now he's invaded Los Angeles, so Schwarzenegger beware!
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If you've never been before then it'll take a little getting use to. It's commonly referred to as the festering poop-hole of the internet and while it may be offensive, it can also be utterly hilarious.
Comments: 92
These are one of our favourite types of galleries, featuring cute, girls with ample assets! Our only concern is that we never get asked why we won't look them in the eye. There's far too much else to be looking at!
Comments: 967
Everyone has the right to protest, but it just seems that nowadays there are as many protests to counter-protest as there are things to protest about. Behold some VERY amusing ways to disrupt a dumb protest!
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A collection of girls doing weird things. Every single image will make you be all like "Wow, she's hawt, but why is she wearing a panda suit and trying to deep throat a stack of plastic cups" - Yup, the opposite sex are pretty weird.
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Nothing does it for me more than beautiful women with big bazookas and big guns! How she keeps from popping out of that top has physicists stumped.
Comments: 56
Before you all get carried away, either with excitement, anger, or fear, let us reassure you that these are most likely not the virgins you're looking for. But they should make you feel better about yourself. Unless you're one of them.
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