Tribute To Street Fighter!
An awesome artistic tribute to the greatest fighting game that ever existed! If you love Street Fighter, and who doesn't, then you'll love this collection!
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Just like the world orbits around the sun and the seasons change, so do the days of the week eventually roll around to the dark winter of our discontent that is Monday. To help you pass through this difficult time we have laid on some LOLZ.
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Those poor people and their pictures. They probably spent a good 3 or 4 seconds of their lives lining up these shots, only to have them ruined in the most disgusting of circumstances. Another batch of pics ruined by the devastating photobomb. For shame!
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It's a part of life that everyone should embrace. When people are making out and someone takes a picture it's your duty to get in the back on that shot and pull a stupid face. If you don't you're letting society down.
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It's always difficult balancing expectation and reality, unless you sell fast food, in which case you just don't bother. Take a picture of a delicious meal and serve your luckless customer a pile of dogs eggs.
Comments: 4
Riding a roller coaster is a little bit like life, you think you are prepared for what the future hold, but when it arrives some people just can't cope with it and as these facial expressions reveal, wish they hadn't made this choice.
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Please let me take one, i'm not fussy, any of them will do, honest! If only life was that simple, walking up to a beautiful chicks and saying 'I'll take you please' and that was all there was to it. DAMN :(
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It got pretty damn hot at points over this summer and watching people dealing with the heat in their own way is funny as hell. But watching animals deal with the high temperatures is even funnier.
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It's a sad statement to make but some people really have some serious issues with alcohol. I mean, what a total waste of spilled beer, have these people no shame?
Comments: 7
If you can name every single celebrity in this gallery then do so in the comments section below and we will send you a special prize. Some are trickier than they look and no cheating and checking them on google images, we'll know if you have.
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With the exception of the 'EPIC' school, these are NOT the educational facilities that you would want your kids sent to. It would almost amount to child cruelty if they attended any of these!
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