Tribute To Street Fighter!
An awesome artistic tribute to the greatest fighting game that ever existed! If you love Street Fighter, and who doesn't, then you'll love this collection!
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Stock images are the best, not because they offer royalty-free photos, but because they allow you to misinterpret what's happening into something like this collection of people, who are meant to be coughing but look like they're sucking invisible penises.
Comments: 25
You really wouldn't think it could be that hard to avoid sounding like a paedophile or rapist organisation by choosing the right domain name for your company website, but how WRONG you would be - Time for some truly EPIC cockups'!
Comments: 0
Ok, i know what you are all thinking, grab a branch from the ugly tree and beat her until she loses all of the lard she is carrying and starts to look better. WRONG! Stand back & look & you will be amazed!
Comments: 647
Makeup isn't just for glamming up, it's also for a suitable occasion that requires a creative transformation. Here are some of the more creative transformations that can be achieved with just a bit of makeup in the right places.
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Being a good parent isn't always something that comes naturally (or at all?). Sometimes you get it right and other times you take sexy pics of yourself with a puzzled toddler waddling around in the background.
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Do you ever have one of those moments in life when things don't go quite to plan and out of nowhere a fairly safe and ordinary situation turns bad very quickly, leaving you in a world if FAIL. These are those moments.
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Sometimes when all you offer your employees is a boring dead end minimum wage job that could be done by a robot they will find ways to make their day a little better. Either that or they put the sign too close to the ground. Epic.
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Only a small gallery, but seeing as it embodies some of the worst things imaginable that's actually a good thing. Every single one of these things is enough to reduce a grown man to tears amidst cries of "1st world problem!"
Comments: 24
This Brittish hottie's smoking body certainly knows how to perfectly fill out a bikini. I'd be her cabana boy any day!
Comments: 109
If you were lucky enough to be in the vicinity of San Diego. CA. in the last week you couldn't have failed to notice some strange goings-on. Hollywood might have gone to a very dark place this year, but not these girls.
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