Tribute To Street Fighter!
An awesome artistic tribute to the greatest fighting game that ever existed! If you love Street Fighter, and who doesn't, then you'll love this collection!
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You don't often see girls with heavy weaponry. You see them with lollipops and copies of that Shades of Gray thing and hair brushes and glasses of wine and other girls, but you rarely if ever see them with big guns. Until now.
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Get ready for 40 images full of the perky toned volleyball babe behinds. All the jumping up and down must be great for toning the glutes and the tight pants are a really nice touch. BRB off to find my local women's volleyball team
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If you look around you, really closely, you might be aware that some people are not as they seem, using the energy of the universe, the 'force' to their own needs. They are really easy to spot, they all look like complete nedrds.
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There's nothing quite like the awesome light show and booming thunder of a good thunderstorm to make you look in awe and scare the crap out of you. Here's some interesting shots taken from some very unique storms!
Comments: 37
America, the land of the free. Also the land of the crazy, the weird, and the overall wtf. We're not saying that isn't something to be proud of. Here are some of the best bits from all over the home of the (spandex wearing) brave!
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Koen Demuynck is a Belgian photographer who heavily uses Photoshop in his work, turning subject matter into a completely new weird reality - His surreal creations have been used in advertising campaigns all across Europe - Seeing is believing !
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There are some things that are undeniably hot. These are not those. This is a collection of failed attempts to look arousing. A tutorial in the art of the turn off. If you want to know what unappealing looks like, look no further.
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One picture they're a youngster and the next they are all grown up and trying to look voluptuous, it's quite strange really. Anyway all your classic Hollywood kids are in here along with a few you won't have expected.
Comments: 508
The nine Best Picture Oscar nominees have been given a LEGO makeover. Posters for Gravity, Philomena, Her, Captain Phillips, Nebraska, Dallas Buyers Club, 12 Years a Slave, American Hustle and The Wolf of Wall Street have all been recreated.
Comments: 40
The dimples of Venus (also known as back dimples) are sagittally symmetrical indentations sometimes visible on the human lower back, just superior to the gluteal cleft. Ok, lesson over for today, now sit back and enjoy.
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