Egg Versus Vinegar
Apparently something rather perculiar happens if you put an egg in vinegar. It turns completely transparent and some how seems a lot less appealing to eat with thin strips of buttered toast. Weird.
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There are few feelings as awesome as knowing that everyone in the room wants a piece. These guys have all gone from big to buff and they've got the photographs to prove it. Inspiring stuff and some amazing changes.
Comments: 1,107
I'm throwing a party and all these girls are invited! Come one, come all and bring your friends, as long as they have big butts and their idea of dressing up is to go out in a thong or micro-bikini. Res ipsa loquitur. Let the good times roll.
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These examples of vertical gardening give a whole new meaning to the term 'up hill gardener'. It totally sounds like some kind of lewd euphemism, but these pics are exactly what you'd expect.
Comments: 168
Not to be confused with spastictastic, splitstastic is an expression used to embody the pure awesomeness of attractive ladies doing the spits. You'll never look at ladies in the same way again.
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Just remember, you will never give less of a f#ck than when you are a child. Kids are like little rock-stars who don't need drugs and alcohol when they trash the place and defecate on themselves, it's just who they are - Be afraid.
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It's the land of the free, home of the brave, birthplace of the American dream and host to all sorts of other freaks. Somewhere along the way the dream turned into a nightmare that some people haven't woken up from yet!
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Some women who post self shot phone pictures of themselves online need to steam the mirror up first or do some serious photoshooping. These women don't. These women are sublime self-shooting super-babes from on high.
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From the looks on these kids faces you'd think their hair has feeling & they are about to be subjected to extreme torture! I guess the first time you have one it could be scary? Why do kids hate the barber so much?
Comments: 210
Time for some serious WTF, because, lets face it, everyone needs a bit of WTF in their life - Everything in this gallery is so stuffed with WTF that it'll make you eyes cross and your head explode. Or something like that. WTFtastic!
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When the weekend lands there's usually only ever one thing on your mind. Well, maybe two, but they're interlinked. Drinking! Kicking back and chilaxing with a drink or turning it into a competitive activity. The important part is the drinking!
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