Egg Versus Vinegar
Apparently something rather perculiar happens if you put an egg in vinegar. It turns completely transparent and some how seems a lot less appealing to eat with thin strips of buttered toast. Weird.
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You've passed out due to one to many root beers and your friends have taken the liberty of abusing your comatose body. Most of this abuse you wouldn't want to be awake for but fear not, there will lots of photos.
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It's probably the most important invention EVER and i bet most of you have never heard the name 'Pastie' before, or what it does? - Prepare to gaze in wonder at it's simple genius!
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How big is too big? It's kinda like saying how much drink is too much drink, because it all depends what mood you are in, where you are and your perspective on the situation - For me the answer is big, but not too BIG!
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Hipsters are a strange breed, especially the ones on Tumblr. They love their vague and over-emotive desaturated photoshops on that site. There are just so many of them, they needed culling. Ergo. They were ripe for trollin'
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Do you remember when you were a kid & used to play in the schoolyard & girls would do things... well, for girls only!? Now we have grown up and found them 'interesting' it seems that sometimes those rulez still apply.
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It's a mystery how the ice doesn't melt and the hockey players stay focused on their game with hot girls like this skating around raising the temperature and causing mass distraction. I'd definitely puck any of them.
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It's a well known fact among scientists that alcohol makes women go wild - So expanding the realms of human knowledge we have compiled a gallery of drunk girls so you can examine this purely scientific effect yourselves !
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Summer's here (at last) and now that we've all got used to that yellow disk in the sky radiating heat and other caner-inducing particles, we suddenly realise it's not the best weather for surfing the interwebs. B4 you melt, here are some pics.
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It's enough to make you fear for future generations. Mothers seem to like to to put their kids in innapropriate sexual situations, dads love to get their kids acquanted with wild animals and guns. Why do some people breed?
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It's the ultimate partnership in the galaxy...far far away. A combination of the wise (but dirty-minded) Yoda from Star Wars and the unbridled humor of Tumblr. The force is stong with this one - "Said that she did!"
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