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Librarians Promoting Books in a Very Clever Way
No one reads anymore, not when we have endless cat videos at the click of a button, so librarians need ways to grab our attention and make us want to pick up a book—and this is a great way of doing just that.
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"To have a good time - gooood time!" - Who the hell wrote that, obviously a 40yr old virgin who had No idea what they were singing about and probably never will.
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Knowing one end of a camera from another and being able to take a good picture is one thing, but if you don't have interesting subject matter you've got nothing. Every one of these pictures has great subject matter and are total classics.
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Like most beauty treatments, if you can tell that someone has had cosmetic surgery then they've not had it done right. Unless they're like 103 trying to look 25 again, in which case it's inevitable...Prepare to enter the freak zone. OMG.
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'Drool, drool everywhere & not a drop to spare!', that's how desperate things are for a dude when these chicks come out to play - All dressed up (and sometimes not) and everywhere to go - Thank you God for inventing babes!
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Ahhh, irony, it's life's wonderful oxymoron full of poetic FAIL! What a boring place this planet would be without it. Also where would Alanis Morissette get at least 2 albums worth of song material from?
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I know, i know, how the hell did the weekend go so fast? It's Monday again & to cure the depression it's time for another dump of gargantuan proportions. 48 pics filled with as much win as we could cram into them. Enjoy.
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They say a picture paints a thousand words, but words alone will never fully describe the weirdness of these people's faces, in the pursuit to catch the ultimate 'slip' of your buddies and upload them to the interwebs.
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How do some girls still manage to look cute with their heads stuck in the toilet?
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If you're inclined towards OCD style behavior then this selection of images should sooth you, featuring all kinds of objects that slot together so well, it's as though they were made for each other.
Comments: 1,511
Whether is was a result of luck or skill, it's kinda irrelevant, what was captured was taken at exactly the right moment, capturing something that the human eye would miss and could never be repeated. Awesome.
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