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Librarians Promoting Books in a Very Clever Way
No one reads anymore, not when we have endless cat videos at the click of a button, so librarians need ways to grab our attention and make us want to pick up a book—and this is a great way of doing just that.
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There are many horrors lurking in wait on the interwebz, many images of things that can never be unseen but that you just have to look at—and you can add these images to that long list.
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If you've never been before then it'll take a little getting use to. It's commonly referred to as the festering poop-hole of the internet and while it may be offensive, it can also be utterly hilarious.
Comments: 92
If you're a regular youtuber then you'll probably have already noticed that often the comments are sometimes way more entertaining than the actual video.
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Kim Jong-un requires all North Korean men to have the same haircut that he has. But just imagine if that extended outside of North Korea, specifically to celebrities who had to rock the dictator's slick do too.
Comments: 10
Mo Farah sure has a reconisable face. Well, when he's winning an Olympic gold medal it's pretty recognisable. Thanks to one dude and his blog, Mo's mug is also fast becoming a amusing meme as he runs away from various things.
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It's surprising the human race is alive and well, if not mentally stable, after looking at some of these pics. The sins of the father and of the mother too. No doubt these kid'll grow up to be well-rounded, fully developed deviants
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Imagine life as just one big ocean, filled with cuties. All you have to do is dip in your rod and before long you'll get a nibble. Now if only things were as easy as that there would be no more wars and total world peace. Nice thought.
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Lets face it, they chew your furniture & shoes, attract dirt like they are magnetized, eat anything and throw up what doesn't seem to get digested and hump the leg of the person who will be the most offended. But. We love them more than words can say.
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A wedding just wouldn't be a wedding without a selection of hilariously photobombed snaps of the happy couple. Here are some of the best examples we could find of album ruining awesomeness. Enjoy!
Comments: 4
It's a wonder of nature (or fluke) when it comes to taking a photograph of a fast moving event, one micro-second too early or too late and you will have missed the crucial moment where it all comes together. Life's awesome.
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