Famous Bands Recreated in LEGO
You may or may not have had the opportunity to see your favorite band, but at least now you have the opportunity to see 20 bands recreated in LEGO, by Adly Syairi Ramly.
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Have you ever wondered what it would be like to work at Digg? Well this is about as close as you can get without actually working there. Looks like my kind of job!
Comments: 469
Getting a tattoo might sound like a cool thing to do, but for god's sake, think about it carfully, make sure you realise that it's for life. And under NO circumstances will Edward from Twilight ever be a good choice for a dude.
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Pretty important in terms of the whole human biology thingamajiggy, the human brain, from whatever scientifiic approach you take is a total scumbag. A wondrous marvel of evolution, but still a total scumbag.
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Someone finally turned the rubbish you buy in the souvenir shops into awesomeness - But would you go to the lengths this person did? I don't think I could, but the results are amazing - Who would have thought that you could turn all this into art ?!
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Something that's happened to all red blooded males with a pulse & GOD FORBID there might be someone around with a camera to record the event when it does! It's one gallery you can browse without questioning your sexuality.
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Joy of joys! Now this is what makes a great picture, not one single duck-face in sight and just a winning smile, look, asset, whatever is making the subject matter in question 'stand out' from the crowd. WANT!
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Some of us get nervous at the thought of an ear piercing, some of us find the idea of a needle piercing our skin & depositing ink repulsive, but some of us need a LOT more!
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These girls seem to enjoy giving thong wedgies & the recipients seem to enjoy it too?? In a dude's world a wedgie done properly = blood and sh#t on your underwear & social death!
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It takes place on the second day of Easter and is guaranteed to make all girls wet (no, not in the way your pervy mind works), it is a peculiar custom of splashing females with cold water to purify them.
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Every day when i wake up i praise the big dude above for inventing females, he is truly worthy of some kinda worship for such an awesome invention - Now if only they came equipped with a volume control he would definitely be a God!
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