T Shirts That'll Get You Noticed
Why let your clothes be a walking billboard for a brand? These folks are certainly interested in sending a very strong message with their attire - If you are gonna wear stuff like this, you either really have to not give a f*ck or be insane - WTF ?
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Prepare to be dazzled as you witness a collection of some of the most awesome hyper realistic street art that we have ever seen. Some is better than others but at it's pinnacle, these are almost indistinguishable from the real thing!
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Guys stare at women. it's what they do. Especially when the women are wearing as little as these ones are. Regardless nobody wants to be unsubtle enough to get caught staring like all of these lecherous gentlemen.
Comments: 8
You don't really like those chicks in films & magazines who have been airbrushed & retouched SO much that they probably don't exist! What you REALLY want is a girl-next-door type who really does live next door!
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Photographer Andy Lee uses an interesting technique to capture stunning photos of the Icelandic landscape in a painterly fashion—he uses a lens that picks up infrared light.
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Just remember, you will never give less of a f#ck than when you are a child. Kids are like little rock-stars who don't need drugs and alcohol when they trash the place and defecate on themselves, it's just who they are - Be afraid.
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Stormtroopers always get all the hot chicks. Say what you want about chicks digging rebels, but there's no arguing Stormtroopers get a lot more chicks!
Comments: 67
If you think about it it's actually quite a primitive thing to do. Removing most of your clothes then having a wrestling match in a patch of mud. It sounds like something people did in the 12th century to settle their differences.
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No matter where i go i am amazed at what incredible natural wonders of nature - i am of course talking about the female of the species and their attire wherever the sun decides to shine - The Earth just got HAWT!
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Just when you think you have framed the perfect magic moment along comes a petulant photobomber to ruin it for you and make his/her/it's day at your expense. Treasure these very special moments!
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It makes the world go round, it can't buy you love (actually i think it can), and it's the root of all evil (apparently), OR, it can be folded - A seriously creative use of Origami - I have a feeling the Queen of England would not be amused !
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