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Fat To Thin
There are few feelings as awesome as knowing that everyone in the room wants a piece. These guys have all gone from big to buff and they've got the photographs to prove it. Inspiring stuff and some amazing changes.
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It's always a good idea to get behind something that takes your interest, that you can put all of your efforts into & enjoy the fruits of your labours. Personally i make sure that i always have multiple causes to get behind.
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If you think about it cute chicks are like the MSG for hawt entertainment, add a little and you have something that is waay more addictive than before - Have a look at what's on the menu tonight.
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If you go down to the beach today you're sure of a BIG surprise! Ok, so maybe not a teddy bear's picnic, but something just as cute & cuddly that you'd kill to take to bed with you & hold.
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They said it couldn't happen, but here's the conclusive proof: people can fly, it just so happens they can only do it when poised above a bed. Coincidence? Don't be so sceptical, next thing you'll tell me Santa isn't real.
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These events would make Darwin turn in his grave! A great collection of screw-ups. With epic fails a plenty, this one should have you in stitches!
Comments: 75
It got pretty damn hot at points over this summer and watching people dealing with the heat in their own way is funny as hell. But watching animals deal with the high temperatures is even funnier.
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Hailing from the North Shore of Kauai, cute Alana Blanchard is one of the top 5 most popular women surfers on Earth - She's down to earth, beautiful and charges infamous Banzai Pipeline. She's a pin-up who can surf.
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Van Damme might have come across as a cocky showoff with an intellect that's less substantial than his lycra leggins, but in reality, he's a pretty deep guy. Turns out he's fascinated by oxygen. LOL!
Comments: 84
Lets face it, they chew your furniture & shoes, attract dirt like they are magnetized, eat anything and throw up what doesn't seem to get digested and hump the leg of the person who will be the most offended. But. We love them more than words can say.
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Are you worried that you're a little bit on the untidy side? Really? Believe me, you're nthing compared to these people. If untidy was akin to a punch in the arm then these offenders would be standing trail for mass murder.
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