Awesome Illustrations
A collection of awesome artwork from various sources - Mike Mitchell's character art, Benjamin Carre's Star Wars paintings and the artworks submitted for the DC Movie Poster competition
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'Cute Emo', isn't that some kind of surreal oxymoron, or is it? Ladies & gentlemen, i present a gaggle of Emo chicks that have to be scene to be believed, just don't ask them how ther are doing. EVER!
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A full century of attractive pictures of ladies heralding from the 4 corners of the internets. From web celebs that you may know, to others that you won't, every single one is worthy of some serious mouth dribbling. Phew!
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The massive earthquake which rocked Japan was 8000 times more powerful than the one that devastated Christchurch in New Zealand last month with a magnitude of 8.9, triggering a 10 metre-high tsunami.
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This stunning celebrity hottie could teach a course on how to make mountains out of molehills! Here she shows off some of her finer assets!
Comments: 34
Context! It's super important, because without it things can just look really weird—and some perfect examples of what happens when there's no context is this series of photos, where no one understands what's going on.
Comments: 1
Did you hear about the wooden car? It wooden go. ithankyou! This man is called Livio De Marchi and he most definitely has wood, and he likes to make unusual things out of it like a car, clothes. He's got some good skills!
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As my dad used to say, "let sleeping girls lie", or was that dogs, who cares! There is something mesmerizing watching a cutie cuddle up and close her eyes - I LOVE the total vulnerability of a female when she is fast asleep.
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You don't often see girls with heavy weaponry. You see them with lollipops and copies of that Shades of Gray thing and hair brushes and glasses of wine and other girls, but you rarely if ever see them with big guns. Until now.
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Proof that under all that flubber lies a ripped body just waiting to be shown off. I just knew i had muscles. Kinda. I'm guessing that quite a lot of personal work was required to make some of these amazing body alterations posible.
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I always thought the phrase 'cute emo' was an oxymoron, surely those two words cannot be used to describe the stereotype imagery we all have stored in our cynical minds. Seems that emos' can be cute after all.
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