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Great Pick-up Lines In Science
I think 'Great' might be stretching it a bit. You couldn't pull a rotten tooth out of a dead horses mouth with one of these stinkers. Still, the Stephen Hawking voice is pretty damn alluring, might practice that one...
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Let this be a warning for people who want to put pylons next to a graveyard. That energy could end up waking the dead. Zombies overtaking the earth is a scary prospect - Thank god for cops with guns.
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You can’t turn on the TV, go to the cinema, pick up a book or comic these days without coming across the decaying undead. Because zombies, in culture, are everywhere, but why? Why do we love them so?
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Bravestarr was a pretty awesome cartoon when it came out, but these things always seem better wrapped in years of fuzzy nostalgia. If you were to go back and watch him argue with his robot horse about bread it would seem less awesome.
Comments: 3
So you are thinking about converting to green energy and buying yourselves a wind turbine to power your house, neat idea, nothing wrong with that....just make sure you tun it off when there's a storm. OMG!
Comments: 5
Being a Power Ranger would be pretty awesome. Cool, watch, figure hugging spandex outfit and mad martial arts skills. But what if you wanted to take a day off from fighting intergalactic evil?
Comments: 1
according to this commentator not only is he the best in the world at stuffing his face with hot dogs, but he is, and I quote: "Arguably the best athlete practicing any sport today". High praise. Seriously high.
Comments: 3
In most countries legal road racing is a thing of the past. Not on the Isle of Man. Over there it's a national institution. Here's a montage of racing highlights and some impressive but non-fatal bails.
Comments: 86
The end of the month always signifies the coming of a decent fail compilation and it's a habit i could get used to!. It's time to enjoy the misfortunes of others from the comfort of your safe & secure laptop.
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This bird can fly away happy in the knowledge that it has done something very productive and worthy, and no doubt its fellow birds will congratulate it suitably for such a perfect and well-placed poop.
Comments: 2
Toast, who doesn’t like it? These guys liked it so much they made a video & stole the bread from starving orphans of the world, then forced them to watch this video while laughing manically. Maybe. Neat vid btw.
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