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Drunken Man's Worst Nightmare
When you're drunk you get the dumbest ideas in your head, "I know, I'll just walk through here, it'll be fun. Wait, the rooms spinning and so is the floor. OMG" And fun it will be, but not for you buddy.
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Artificial intelligence is one thing but giving robots the ability to swagger? It's just flying in the face of nature. Playing god. Still, he does look way more pimp that the robots out of the Terminator series. Less scary, but way cooler.
Comments: 2
It’s shocking in this world we live in, where you can’t even beat up an old lady in her home without submitting a health and safety application because you might hurt yourself breaking and entering and could sue the local council.
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Being stuck atop a rollercoaster would be pretty sucky. Still at least these enterprising punters used the situation to their advantage and reenacted one of the best moments from Saturday Night Live.
Comments: 2
Some people have nothing better to do than put on a thong and shake it at the camera like they were a human rattle snake & people, like me, have nothing better to do than watch them. Someone has to.
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Now this is something special, a guy on a moped goes smashing into the side of a mini-van, flies through the air like a rag doll. Then just gets up and walks back onto the scene like he's a ninja!
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A couple guys replace their hacky sack with a busted television set.
Comments: 3
OK, be prepared because it's about to get really real. The bass kicks in, the dubstep begins and everyone's about to freak the hell out. Turn it up loud and put on your best shocked face.
Comments: 7
Francisco Carvalho lost control of his car during the Seat Leon Eurocup this weekend and bounced off the road towards race officials. Not only did all the officials escape injury but Francisco walked away
Comments: 4
Have you ever wondered what batman would be like in everyday situations? And even more so with young children? Well you don't need to wonder any more because this is the hilarious reality of it.
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Leopards are such good hunters that they don't even need to go out looking for food. They just lie down, totally camouflaged and wait for their dinner to gallop into their mouths. Wish I could do that with a Nandos chicken...
Comments: 2