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Chick Faceplants Into Desk
A chick running to her seat is cut off by her classmate and trips into the corner of her desk. If there is one thing that she will learn in school today it will be never to trust your friends again. Ever.
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Not content with the difficulty of a regular slalom on skis, this dude kicks one off and goes solo. He makes it an astonishing way down the mountain before he bails. I was kinda hoping he'd do a backflip though...
Comments: 1
Could this be the new Street Fighter? It will keep you entertained for a few minutes anyway. When this wiener dog was feeling threatened by an inflatable shark, he showed the pool toy who was boss.
Comments: 2
Using an iPhone 4 and you get some slightly weird results filming a guitar. It picks up on the individual osculations of the strings at just the right frequency to make them look all cool and wibbly-wobbly.
Comments: 7
Quite possibly the most annoying alarm clock ever made by god. It's twittering away into his ear for a full minute and a half, pecking him and being a total pain-in-the-ass. Lets hope the cat wakes up hungry!?
Comments: 4
This little kid tries to hang on the rim but ends up pulling the backboard off the garage and slamming it onto himself. It's a hard way to learn a lesson - LMAO!
Comments: 4
Some guys in a band write a song how to make meth out of household items - Seriously COOL !
Comments: 18
Parkour is the art of moving around obstacles efficiently. When your town is filled with crumbling walls, the most efficient movement may just be walking around them. Still, idiots like this have always got other ideas - OUCH!
Comments: 2
It might not sound like a particularly exciting combination, but with a dash of sceience, this guy manages to make it pretty damn awesome. I knew liquid nitrogen could make bananas crunchy, but I never knew it could do this!
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Love can make you do some strange things, and tearing someone's clothing while in the heat of the moment can make people do even stranger things. Like turn incredibly violent and start punching their boyfriend around the room.
Comments: 2
Heart Attacks: For when you want this birthday to be her last.
Comments: 2