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Two Deer Burst Into Bar
The Milwaukee Bucks are known for the rallying cry 'fear the deer'. This was very wise words if you ate at Menomonie restaurant where 2 deer crashed through a glass door disrupting 100's of Bucks fans watching the game.
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They’ve hit a great formula here, this video has a British guy in glasses, cats, slow motion, guns, explosions, stupid jokes, and a surprise plot twist, all the correct ingredients for a delicious Internet video.
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Language is a funny thing. All it takes is a slight mispronunciation of one word and an entire sentence can be rendered totally hilarious. If that sentence is used to teach the language then it's a joke that'll keep on giving!
Comments: 19
Finally it's here, a fitness video that combines exercise and racism. So sign up today and get chased by a black man when you least expect it. You'll be fit in no time! Hawt & AWESOME!
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Want the perfect snap of yourself ? Then you are going to need very special skills my friend...
Comments: 1
Another addition to the list of spectacularly messy and graphic suicide chocolate deaths !
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You might think it's Sub-Zero's spine ripping one, Jax's arm removal or Reptile's head devouring. You'd be wrong. There is one move that is far, far more brutal than all of these. Check it out.
Comments: 1
Some pretty creative bounces in this trick shot compilation, and aren't these videos always great to watch when you're hungover?
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Loading Ball Larry puts his annoying spin on everything he touches. You’re probably already familiar with his work: He’s the guy who crashed your app, right before you hit save.
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This is probably the happiest you will ever see someone get for breaking their hand.
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This is pretty damn nerdy. After watching it for a while though, you can also appreciate that it's pretty damn impressive. To fly a remote controlled plane with that precision takes real skill. And a real nerd!
Comments: 2