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1 Man +1 Nutella = 2 Much?
Attempting the impossible? One man, one jar. Of Nutella. Will he give up? Will he get type 2 diabeetus? Watch & see. I was pretty sure he was gonna hurl around the 1 minute mark, , but he has real passion & commitment.
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You may strain your neck while watching this, but that's nothing compared with the ratio of mindfuck your head will get. The only downside to the whole thing is that it's set to a song by Usher.
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Want to know the secret behind Lewis Hamilton's exceptional wins? It's all to do with his mobile...WTF?
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Every sane person knows that there are forces beyond our control that are out to eat ours minds using technology that isn’t common knowledge. The Illuminati, aliens, cats. Scanners is back and it’s not taking any prisioners.
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This leaked video details the new camera to be released from the makers of the Instagram app. It allows you to take photographs IRL and share them with your friends as well as use all of those filters that you love so much.
Comments: 1
I guess these half-court shots aren't as hard as they look. First a guy overpowers a perfectly aimed one and now a cheerleader scores one while doing a freaking handstand. Girl's got skills, yo.
Comments: 1
A guide for cats who want to walk their pet human in the easiest and most effective manner. This is the only way that a cat would be willing to go for a walk with a human; if it was clear to all that the cat was in charge.
Comments: 4
A man destroys a sign and his car after losing control and careening head on into a tree. Luckily, he survived the crash.
Comments: 20
If you need a refresher on your alphabet but find that Sesame Street's sanitised & utopian feel has you reaching for the sick bags, Fat Awesome are here to help while keeping it street. Wurd!
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This is the coolest toilet I've ever seen! I'm only left wondering why it's taken so long for someone to come up with this idea. Break out the ecstasy, grab some toilet paper and lets go PARTY!!!
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I think I've completely lost any hope that people actually stop for pedestrians in crosswalks. Thankfully, this lady was perfectly fine.
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