Unusual Wedding Couples
Your wedding is supposed to be one magical day to remember. I certainly wouldn't forget my wedding day if I had one like any of these! WTF?
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This is the only way to neck a shot of your favourite tipple, be it Jack Daniels on bellybutton or cleavage tequila, so the next time you order at the bar, drink your drink from a lady's orifice!
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WARNING: Only look at these pictures if you fully understand the fact that once seen you will never be able to unsee and look at any cute celeb (of in fact any girl) ever again - scary as f#ck!
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The amazing American actress proves that she can make anything look stunning just by being in the same vicinity - WOW!
Comments: 15
Whether is was a result of luck or skill, it's kinda irrelevant, what was captured was taken at exactly the right moment, capturing something that the human eye would miss and could never be repeated. Awesome.
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Most of these don't look like they'd pass an MOT, but maybe that's the look they were going for? If Mad Max was a used car salesman this is probably what his lot would consist of. Loads of rust but still kinda cool.
Comments: 202
How big is too big? It's kinda like saying how much drink is too much drink, because it all depends what mood you are in, where you are and your perspective on the situation - For me the answer is big, but not too BIG!
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Think about it before you turn away in horror, all good things come in pint-size packages. Honest! They have just as much right to express their sexuality as anyone else, and lets face it, there are definitely 'certain' advantages to be explored!
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Do you wake up every morning strugling with a good excuse not to go into the workplace? Sure, your work probably sucks, but count yourself very lucky. Whatever it is you do for a living, there's no way it's as bad as any of these. Tragic.
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It's time for a sumptuous helping of hand-assisted-asset maidens and their ongoing quest to discover the joys of themselves, friends and strangers all lending a helping hand to, what seems, a seriously perfect occasion :)
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Nowadays, if you are a girl, you can't go anywhere or do anything in private without one of your buddies whipping out their digital camera and recording the event for the internet - It's a continuing cute chick caught-short conundrum. Long may it reign.
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