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Cat Attacks Pit Bull - WTF!?!
As much as I don't like cats, if you're a badass pitbull and your wearing a stupid sweater like this then you really deserve to get your butt kicked. Proof that cute and furry things can be as mean as hell!
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Shades? Check. Motorbike? Check. inability to control said motorbike? Big check! Even with shades and a bike it's hard to look cool when you've just catapulted yourself over the handlebars and taken a big hungry bite out of the asphault...
Comments: 2
Here's a couple of typical American police officers carrying out their duty (keeping the brother-man down) while a British TV presenter narrates their racist shenanigans. Funny, sad and infuriating, all in one video.
Comments: 1
No one can quite make fun of Lady Gaga like that damn annoying orange! Well, someone had to finally do it.
Comments: 2
A touching tale about how electromagnetic radiation turned a man's shitty life around. It just goes to show, there is light at the end of that rat race tunnel and it’s freaking beautiful, if you just go out and find it…
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After this impressive display of finesse and athleticism, she should have her pick of the groomsmen for sure.
Comments: 5
Japan has been the World leader in WTF? for generations now, so it only seems fitting that they bring that particular set of skills into the world of web camming!
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Politicking ain't easy. You have to keep your polling hand strong to make sure bureaucrats stay in czech.
Comments: 3
Known as the ‘Gobfather’ Byron Schlenker, along with his teenage daughter, have the widest tongues on the planet.
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When flash fires strike there is very little you can do. Meet Eric Howard, this balsy farmer digs a fire line using a tractor in a wheat field in Weld County, Colorado. The fire burned an estimated 20-30 acres in the 80 acre field.
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Now what's the problem here, eh? It's not like she hasn't seen her boyfriend's eel before in the shower, i thought she would heve been used to it by now - Personally i think she is making a mountain out of an eel hill!
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