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Kids + Firecrackers = WIN!
I know, definitely not the best combination of elements on the planet, but the pay-off is pretty impressive. These kids nearly send a pot into orbit with this little firecracker.
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In Soviet Russia, grenade throws YOU! Regular stuntmen might be exceptional in terms of courage and lunacy, but most Russians have their crazy streak hardwired in from birth. The combination of Russian & Stuntman is breathtaking.
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This feathery little fella can't get enough of the phat beats and dances like some sort of tiny winged god. Not content with just bobbing his head he's got more moves than Napoleon Dynamite.
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In Hollywood’s tireless journey to systematically destroy everything you hold dear and sacred, they present to you the trailer for the Conan The Barbarian reboot. Shocking.
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James Cameron teams up with George Lucas, JJ Abrams and Michael Bay to make the ultimate version of Titanic. I'm fairly sure that this is a parody, but it's so close to reality that's it's hard to tell...
Comments: 2
This dude attempts to jump over a fence on his bike but gets so much air he over-rotates and breaks a disc in his back.
Comments: 1
Stay classy Dr. Drew. When Courtney Stodden decided to go on this show she should’ve known that they might uncover some truths in the shape of a round object that’s somehow found her way into her breasts. Whatever could it be?
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Forget the Boston Tea Party. The morning commute can be a little tiresome but these guys have come up with a way to liven things up a little. Behold the Boston Party Trolley. What a way to commute!
Comments: 1
This dude looks like he's just licked earwax off a bum's nutsack. If you were wondering why beatboxers usually cover their mouths here's, there are rules for this kinda thing & he's trashing them.
Comments: 103
An awesome parody of the Battlestar Galactica series performed through the medium of 16bit demake. There are probably spoilers here, but if you haven'tstarted watching already, you probably don't care.
Comments: 7
So you want to be a superhero, but you don't want to put the hours in chasing crims unless you've got yourself some gadgets. Well in this video you'll see how to up-cycle a junk table-saw blade, into a real life batarang.
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