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Two Deer Burst Into Bar
The Milwaukee Bucks are known for the rallying cry 'fear the deer'. This was very wise words if you ate at Menomonie restaurant where 2 deer crashed through a glass door disrupting 100's of Bucks fans watching the game.
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They might not make a very professional job of the walls and ceiling but it's not always about what you do, rather how you do it. These guys do it with the kind of gusto that can only come from metal and headbanging.
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While being chased by police for a suspected robbery, the suspect makes it rain $100 bills on the freeway
Comments: 110
Yep, you read it right. Dubstep. It's good to know that there are some extremely talented singers on the interwebs making great a capella videos to amaze us. These guys however are not them.
Comments: 3
That's actually just how inversion tables work. They were created to make you look stupid no matter how you use them.
Comments: 1
One minute it's not down, the next it's hit the deck. No surprises here, not if you read the title. Still, penguins are pretty funny to watch and combine that with a spell of amusing clumsiness and this could be the next big viral vid.
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Bravestarr was a pretty awesome cartoon when it came out, but these things always seem better wrapped in years of fuzzy nostalgia. If you were to go back and watch him argue with his robot horse about bread it would seem less awesome.
Comments: 3
Pigeons beware, some devious scientist has managed to get the world's most ridiculous canine and stuff a turbo charger in it. No birdlife or postal worker will be safe now.
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This stupid kid smashes his head onto the bumper of a car after trying to jump out of a car window.
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Maybe these people are just desperate to be on one of those TV talent shows, or maybe they've just consumed too much of the free bar—either way they're doing pretty weird things.
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So if you're cycling around the countryside and come across a bunch of wild horses, it's probably best not to wave your hand around near their mouths. They apparently have an aversion to lycra clad idiots.
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