Unusual X-Ray Shots!
Some of these are really creepy and all are WTF? Makes you wonder how the heck someone could get some of these things inside them!
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Oh god please let these be concept art for an upcoming video game or movie. If it looked this badass I wouldn't care how bad it sucked or how much of a cheap cash-in on 80s nostalgia it would be.
Comments: 17
It's quite possibly more than any mortal man could probably take in one go, imagine, a double-dose of booty-bewb beautifulness! If you haven't got enough up in the front for regular cleavage why not try some booty cleavage?
Comments: 0
You really don't need a dirty mind to see the double-entendres on display here. It's the comical result of space-saving and abbreviation failage on an seriously epic scale. What were they thinking. Seriously?
Comments: 0
Guys stare at women. it's what they do. Especially when the women are wearing as little as these ones are. Regardless nobody wants to be unsubtle enough to get caught staring like all of these lecherous gentlemen.
Comments: 8
Judging from these pictures though, some are more different than others. Also some are pretty damn weird. In this gallery there's maybe one that wouldn't terrify me if I woke up next to it. Some brilliant pictures though...
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A selection of Euro 2012's most visually appealing wives and girlfriends. If you're into gold digging airheads then soccer player's other halves very rarely disappoint. Enjoy!
Comments: 8
Lots of HOT chicks with BIG guns and something tells me they are VERY adept at finding their way around a big weapon that doesn't fire blanks - It's almost worth dying for !!!
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It doesn't help that most of these people are as ugly as sin anyway, but add in the distortions from messing up a panoramic photo and you have some true nightmare fuel.
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So the Olympics and the paralympics are over. The races have all been run, the medals have all been handed out and the politicians have all received their rightful booing. Time to admire the subversive street artists take on the proceedings.
Comments: 14
The amazing American actress proves that she can make anything look stunning just by being in the same vicinity - WOW!
Comments: 15