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Worst Slide Tackle Nutshot Ever
A nutshot so painful that I'm afraid to watch it twice for fear of becoming sterile. For this dude life will never be the same again - OUCH!
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If people recording videos on their phone in portrait instead of landscape is a bugbear of yours, this video’s for you. With appropriate anger and violence it details how annoying and stupid it is.
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If you thought regular dubstep was ear torture then that's only because you hadn't yet seen “a capella dubstep,” as performed by these teenage YouTubers. This is the kinda stuff they played to prisoners in Abu Ghraib.
Comments: 2
Waay after youve drained the bag & tipped every last crumb into your eager mouth like your very life depended it, there's always the best part of the doritos left over. The orange finger fuzz. Enjoy.
Comments: 2
I love technology, important discoveries in science making the world a better place & humanity benefiting from the outcome & thanks to advances in robotics, squeezing out your own sauce will soon be a thing of the past.
Comments: 27
It's weird, but when women enter into a man's realm of FAIL it's much funnier. This girl tries to use a grocery cart to achieve flight, but fails with a spectacular nosedive, landing right on her twin engines.
Comments: 1
Believe it or not, it's actually possible to steal dinner from the mouths of a pride of ferocious lions just by strolling up to them like the gigantic testacled boss that you are. Now you know!
Comments: 1
OK, it’s time to play spot the barely recognisable celebrity, as this video takes a look at the very early careers of some of Hollywood’s golden eggs. But it’s humbling to know that they all started out somewhere.
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A Warehouse Manager needs some training after forgetting to lower his forklift - Genius driving FAIL!
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This Sea Lion does sit ups like Rocky training for a fight.... Actually it looks more like Steven Seagal training for a big meal.
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They were completely surrounded, and the hometown fans showed no mercy. Oh, the humanity! Still kinda fun, though.
Comments: 2