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Gropey Grandad
The great thing about this is that if anyone complains, you can just blame it on the Alzheimer's
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When it comes to the threat of competition and dominance from another species us humans are none to keen on the wannabe pretenders to the throne. But when it comes to hamburgers...well!
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Some would say a deformity.. Others would say a blessing.
Comments: 5
We might be jumping to conclusions here about her origins, maybe she's a test pilot in a broom factory, or even an ex pupil from Hogwarts? Either witch way she needs to 'brush up' on her flying skillz.
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Sometimes having a meme as your hero can have some distinct advantages, food for example! Those dumb humans seem to get a laugh feeding me a cheeseburger and saying "Can i has cheezeburger" whilst i get to NOM!
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Whoda thunk the little Lego men were behind it all along? And I always thought those strange little angles looked strikingly familiar from somewhere!
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One of the less successful experimental projects of the military. Balloon Tank was meant to frighten and confuse the enemy, however the enemy adapted by utilizing blow-guns to destroy them.
Comments: 3
As if the great big cuddly pandas weren't daft enough, the female armour sets in the new World Of Warcraft expansion promise to be utterly ridiculous. Still, at least you'll have something to gawp at.
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For those of us hanging on every word of the Book of Revelations, the Mayan calendar, and the quatrains of Nostradamus, shit happens in historical (hysterical?) cycles.
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They're organising, getting stronger, and one day there will be enough of them to take over the ENTIRE planet - Be afraid, be very afraid - "THE GINGERS ARE COMING!"
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So there's three fine looking girls to choose from. The decision on which one to go for is made a little easier by this simple observation...."NONE OF THEM FOOL!" - Always check age fist instead of limber limbs.
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